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    The 12th Suspect is a full-length feature film directed by KO Myoungsung, who also directed a documentary titled Good Bye (2009) about Korean immigrants living in Japan who went to North Korea. Set in a teahouse in Myeong-dong, Seoul right after the end of the Korean War, The 12th Suspect follows the suffocating psychological showdown that takes place between a detective and the 11 suspects who find themselves caught up in a murder case. The tight narrative between the characters and the enthusiastic performances of Kim Sangkyung, Heo Sungtae, Park Sunyoung, Kim Dongyoung, and the other actors prevent the film from falling into a monotony that could potentially be caused by a limited space like a teahouse. Through symbolic spaces such as the Korean War, Myeong-dong, and Namsan, the film attempts to take a look at the dark foundation of the modern history of Korea which has been carried forth through liberation, the Korean War, and division.


    • HD生來自由OmarChambati
    • HD新少林寺粤语刘德华,谢霆锋,范冰冰,成龙
    • 6.0HD慕尼黑杰瑞米·艾恩斯,乔治·麦凯,罗伯特·巴瑟斯特,杰西卡·布朗·芬德利,奥古斯特·迪赫,阿历克斯·杰宁斯,安佳丽·莫辛德拉,桑德拉·惠勒,马克·路易斯·琼斯,丽芙·丽莎·弗赖斯,杰尼斯·纽沃纳,尼古拉斯·肖,汉勒斯·魏格纳,Jean-LucJulien,马丁·基弗,RossDonnelly,TinaLouiseOwens,GenevieveFlorence
    • HD亲亲我的土地张洪杰,张惠中
    • 更新HD国语干杯,女兵们李起厚,刘佳
    • HD女收藏家Gabija,Jaraminaite

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