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    Kapana is titled after grilled meat sold on the streets of Namibia. This charming romance is the first gay love story on film from Namibia, and tells the story of George, an openly gay office worker, and Simeon, a closeted kapana vendor. The men meet in a bar, flirt, and hook up.  Both have differing views on being gay in a country with strict anti-gay laws. Simeon believes that his casual same-sex encounters do not make him gay. George, on the other hand, longs for something more than a one-night stand. Despite these differences, they start seeing each other, but it isn’t long before deep secrets put the men’s budding romance to the test. Don’t miss this one-of-a-kind love story that will give festival audiences a taste of queer life in Namibia.


    • HD薇拉薇拉·杰玛,Sebastian,Dascalu,Daniel,De,Palma,亚历桑德拉·狄·桑佐,艾莎·阿基多,Gennaro,Lillio,沃尔特·萨贝尔,Annamaria,Ciancamerla
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    • HD凯恩舰哗变基弗·萨瑟兰,杰森·克拉克,杰克·莱西,莫妮卡·雷蒙德,兰斯·莱迪克,刘易斯·普尔曼,伊丽莎白·安维斯,汤姆·莱利,弗朗索瓦·巴蒂斯特,加布·凯斯勒,杰伊·杜普拉斯,吉娜·加西亚,斯蒂芬妮·埃尔布,代尔·戴,丹泽尔·约翰逊,玛丽亚·贾斯蒂斯,迈克尔·海德曼
    • 更新1一只黄鸟黄璐,希玛·比斯瓦斯,因陀罗·钱德兰
    • HD青楼禁地丹尼斯·米勒,埃丽卡·埃伦尼克,安吉·艾佛哈特,威廉姆·赛德勒,约翰·卡西尔,Aubrey,Morris
    • 更新HD中字情迷彼得潘路易斯·帕特里奇,乔莉·理查德森,瓦妮莎·雷德格雷夫,伊恩·格雷,朱利安·欧文登,艾米丽·凯里,埃拉-雷·史密斯,帕克·索耶,希欧布罕·休莱特,Lorraine,Tai,Livia,De,Paolis,Amelia,Minto,Tilly,Marsan,奥利弗·狄龙,Ebony,Aboagye,里奇·比德尔·布莱尔

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