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    Lucas and Chloe are two passionate gamers. When they hear about Paranoia, an extremely exclusive escape game, they can’t help themselves but participate. After they manage to solve the first riddle, the location of the finale is revealed: a deserted psychiatric hospital in the middle of a terrifying forest. When they arrive, there are four other participants. A race against the clock begins. They start searching their way out of the asylum, but soon they realize that it’s a game of life and death. One of them must die.   Based on the bestseller Puzzle by Franck Thilliez, this dark psychological thriller grabs you by the throat. PLAY OR DIE is first feature by Jacques Kluger, who also wrote the screenplay. The film was shot in Belgium but has an international cast. Lucas is played by Charley Palmer Rothwell, known for DUNKIRK, DARKEST HOUR, and LEGEND. Roxane Mesquida, who interprets Chloe, is a BIFFF regular, seen in in films like RUBBER and BURNING SHADOW. Still willing to venture into an escape room?


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    • 超清上海小姐丽塔·海华斯,奥逊·威尔斯,埃弗雷特·斯隆,格伦·安德斯
    • 3播放魔女宅急便 真人版小芝风花,尾野真千子,山本浩司,广田亮平,宫泽理惠,筒井道隆,浅野忠信
    • HD爱在街口理发店増田璃子,吉泽悠,芳本美代子,小松政夫,藤井武美,Chinu,Izumi,广泽草,圆城寺彩,桥本真实,大竹浩一,横内亜弓,田中良子,真銅倫子,三谷麟太郎,神尾翠優,宇和
    • HD魔弦传说查理兹·塞隆;马修·麦康纳;拉尔夫·费因斯;阿特·帕金森;鲁妮·玛拉;武井乔治;田川洋行;野路美苗;布伦达·瓦卡罗;肯·竹本;瑞金娜·斯派克特
    • HD婚事段文禄;常风琴;李斌;王敬轩

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