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    Coming to Theaters & Digital September 20 In AUGGIE, Felix Greystone (Richard Kind) is forced into early retirement and falls in love with an augmented reality companion, to the detriment of his relationship with his wife and daughter. At his early retirement party, Felix Greystone is given a pre-release version of an AUGGIE, a pair of augmented reality smart glasses that project a perfectly human companion onto his world. When Felixs wife Anne gets a promotion and his daughter Grace gets serious with her boyfriend, Felix suddenly feels very alone. He opens up to his new companion, AUGGIE, and is recognized and appreciated by her. He feels the ache of loneliness dissipate. AUGGIE reawakens a passion in Felix, and to his own surprise, he begins to fall for her. In a world that feels too good to be true, its difficult for Felix to recognize his increasing addiction to the technology, losing sight of what truly matters.


    • 5.0720P非我瑞恩·雷诺兹,米歇尔·道克瑞,马修·古迪,本·金斯利
    • 5.0720P柏林龙卷风Matthias,Koeberlin,Mina,Tander
    • HD终结者黑暗命运麦肯兹·戴维斯,娜塔利娅·雷耶斯,琳达·汉密尔顿,阿诺·施瓦辛格,加布里埃尔·鲁纳,迪耶戈·博内塔,恩里克·阿尔切,特里斯坦·乌罗阿,艾丽西娅·博拉切罗,布雷特·阿扎尔,史蒂芬·克里,罗谢尔·尼尔,弗雷泽·杰姆斯,克劳迪娅·特鲁希略,比约恩·弗赖贝格,约翰·盖蒂尔,彼得·奥蒙德,洛娜·布朗,彼得·舒勒,莫娜·马丁内斯
    • 7.0HD超能事件RJ·米特,韦斯利·斯奈普斯,杰迪代亚·古达克,尼克·佩帕,维斯勒·夏农,格拉汉姆·谢尔斯,HannahRoseMay,LauraBilgeri,ElishaKriis,GuyGriffithe,TraceyHway,ReidAnderson,MeganPereira,DaneBowman,BenjaminDeWalt
    • 1080p独眼巨人博士Albert,Dekker,Thomas,Coley,Janice,Logan
    • 1080p头号玩家[普通话版]泰尔·谢里丹

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